Doar un cuvant: PUSTIU! Doamne, nu ai ce face aici, n-ai nici un prieten, nici macar un baiat dragut pe care sa-l urmaresti. Stai si asteapta pana ai tai isi fac tratamentele lu' peste, si apoi du-te la camera, dormi, dupa fugi la restaurant si baga in tine, dupa iar du-te la camera si dormi. O sa innebunesc!!! Vreau inapoi acasaaa :((. Nu stiu cum o sa supravietuiesc inca 8 zile :. M O R!!!!
I miss so many people :(. I want back home, for crying out loud.
Mda, asta e si cu vacanta de vis.
Azi: Three doors down - Here without you
A hundred days have made me older since the last time that I saw your pretty face
A thousand lies have made me colder and I don’t think I can look at this the same
But all the miles that separated
They disappear now when I’m dreamin' on your face
I’m here without you baby but you're still alone on my lonely mind
I think about you baby and I dream about you all the time
I’m here without you baby but you're still with me in my dreams
And tonight it’s only you and me...
Have fun,
Irinuxx ^^
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